Cross-border (health care) shopping
What do Canadians do when in the States? Why, they shop, of course! We headed out to Menard's (the aforementioned hilariously organized hardware store) as well as Lowe's, famous from all those American decorating shows. We scored the materials necessary to lash Jo's basil plants to her balcony rail, and to construct a net which would allow the merciful breeze to blow through the doorway without the kitten escaping. Ah, yes, the kitten; here she be. She likes to drink out of non-kitten-oriented containers:

Monday evening was clinic day, where Jo got to show us her doctorly prowess. Here she is in her cute white coat. Looking pretty sultry for a chiropractor.

So H and I got all assessed and got to do fun things like have our reflexes tested and lie on weird tables. Who knew that chiropractic school consists of learning how to tease your patients from all different angles? We had the fun diagnostic times and enjoyed our cross-border health care shopping, whilst providing Jo with valuable clinic hours towards the completion of her degree. Yay!
So, hooray for chiropractic and everything, but man, that was a long appointment. We were starved by the time we emerged from the clinic, so we headed to the Asian grocery fun land, and H provided us with a delicious dish for dinner, inspired by a fancypants restaurant in Toronto. We ate happily and conked out for the evening.

Monday evening was clinic day, where Jo got to show us her doctorly prowess. Here she is in her cute white coat. Looking pretty sultry for a chiropractor.

So H and I got all assessed and got to do fun things like have our reflexes tested and lie on weird tables. Who knew that chiropractic school consists of learning how to tease your patients from all different angles? We had the fun diagnostic times and enjoyed our cross-border health care shopping, whilst providing Jo with valuable clinic hours towards the completion of her degree. Yay!
So, hooray for chiropractic and everything, but man, that was a long appointment. We were starved by the time we emerged from the clinic, so we headed to the Asian grocery fun land, and H provided us with a delicious dish for dinner, inspired by a fancypants restaurant in Toronto. We ate happily and conked out for the evening.
love the vacation summary. and the cute pictures of maggie!! see you in calgary?
Anonymous, at 11:08 a.m.
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