Learnding is fun n stuff
Wake up in the morning
Gotta shake this feeling
Gotta face a day at school...
Well, actually, I was really, really looking forward to our day at school. It started with an official tour by an official Palmer tour guide who just happened to be Jo's friend Ann.

She apparently knew her audience well, because she focused mainly on the places on campus where you can get cheap or free food.
She told us all about the quirky Palmers (quirky doesn't begin to describe it... maybe eccentric? Idiosyncratic? Insane?) We saw some wonky spines which are displayed in cases throughout the whole campus:

We also saw the jelly people the students use to learn radiology technique. Some are fabricated, but some o' them bones is real!

After a fun turn through the bookstore buying hilarious American chocolate bars like Caramello and Whatchamacallit, we went to a big pretty lecture hall

to hear the brilliant and down-to-earth Sue Brown talk about quantum physics, success and identity, and changing the world with the power of your minnnnnnd. All this, of course, relates to the fabulous system that is chiropractic. I had never learned about it before, and was even quite suspicious of it. But boy oh boy, did Sue tell the chiro gospel that day. That, combined with the top-notch care we would receive from Jo the next day, has made me a chiro convert!
H and I took a stroll downtown while Jo finished up some clinic-y stuff. Whooo, that might have to be a whole other post all about the Davenport. After our stroll we went to a weird, weird grocery store where the sassy cashier asked for our ID so that we could buy our $4 wine--"You got the yuuung look, hon"--and we headed home to listen to the *sniff* hockey game *sigh.* H made us a gourmet dinner: Kraft dinner, two ways.

Seriously, click on that photo for the close-up. It's a beautiful thing.
Gotta shake this feeling
Gotta face a day at school...
Well, actually, I was really, really looking forward to our day at school. It started with an official tour by an official Palmer tour guide who just happened to be Jo's friend Ann.

She apparently knew her audience well, because she focused mainly on the places on campus where you can get cheap or free food.
She told us all about the quirky Palmers (quirky doesn't begin to describe it... maybe eccentric? Idiosyncratic? Insane?) We saw some wonky spines which are displayed in cases throughout the whole campus:

We also saw the jelly people the students use to learn radiology technique. Some are fabricated, but some o' them bones is real!

After a fun turn through the bookstore buying hilarious American chocolate bars like Caramello and Whatchamacallit, we went to a big pretty lecture hall

to hear the brilliant and down-to-earth Sue Brown talk about quantum physics, success and identity, and changing the world with the power of your minnnnnnd. All this, of course, relates to the fabulous system that is chiropractic. I had never learned about it before, and was even quite suspicious of it. But boy oh boy, did Sue tell the chiro gospel that day. That, combined with the top-notch care we would receive from Jo the next day, has made me a chiro convert!
H and I took a stroll downtown while Jo finished up some clinic-y stuff. Whooo, that might have to be a whole other post all about the Davenport. After our stroll we went to a weird, weird grocery store where the sassy cashier asked for our ID so that we could buy our $4 wine--"You got the yuuung look, hon"--and we headed home to listen to the *sniff* hockey game *sigh.* H made us a gourmet dinner: Kraft dinner, two ways.

Seriously, click on that photo for the close-up. It's a beautiful thing.
sweet! You have a new blog! I will add it to my links, and by the way, totally freakin sweet name!
A J Craig, at 6:14 p.m.
Hey Kari! Awesome name for a blog! Does Jimma have a blog too?
C-Train, at 12:42 p.m.
hey cloverdalians! i must give credit where it's due... jimmah came up with the name. he doesn't have a blog yet, but he should SO start one. that way he can look busy in his office at the church! Stay tuned for photos of our vicarage stuff after all the Iowa travelogue is done. Of course, one of you gets to see our new digs in person very soon!
kari-o, at 4:04 p.m.
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