It's like this
We did some stuff. It was awesome. Perhaps there will be periodic reacaps. In the meantime, though, it's time for me to forge ahead.
We drove to Edmonton last weekend in a van full of church folks. We attended the Breakforth conference, which was weird, scary, uplifting, offensive, inspiring, fun, intriguing, and hectic. The highlights were a) getting to know our fellow passengers better, b) watching Gilmore Girls in the van with my buddy Janelle, and c) partying with Michael and Terri in our lovely little house. They are not only the fun times and wonderful people; they are also the world's greatest tenants, and have actually improved the condition of the house since moving in. Wow. They're among the scads of people who are currently engaged to be married, and they're fabulous together. Our late-night escapades made us exhausted during our conferences sessions, but were completely worth it.
I also dug into the storage room and found my sweaters, which I missed terribly.

I'm currently working on processing provincial exams (be very afraid for the future of the English language, by the way) and have only 10 days left at my current job. On the 20th, I start training at my dream job--transcribing and editing the Hansard at the Saskatchewan Legislature. I am unbelievably excited about this. Too bad it's only part time.
Jimmy is rocking the set as the little vicar who could. We're wishin' and hopin' and prayin' and all that to stay here in Regina. Good Shep is indeed the good stuff.
So, I didn't disappear from the blogosphere entirely; I'll definitely be back with more detail once I'm settling in at Hansard and need to practice my typing!
We drove to Edmonton last weekend in a van full of church folks. We attended the Breakforth conference, which was weird, scary, uplifting, offensive, inspiring, fun, intriguing, and hectic. The highlights were a) getting to know our fellow passengers better, b) watching Gilmore Girls in the van with my buddy Janelle, and c) partying with Michael and Terri in our lovely little house. They are not only the fun times and wonderful people; they are also the world's greatest tenants, and have actually improved the condition of the house since moving in. Wow. They're among the scads of people who are currently engaged to be married, and they're fabulous together. Our late-night escapades made us exhausted during our conferences sessions, but were completely worth it.
I also dug into the storage room and found my sweaters, which I missed terribly.
I'm currently working on processing provincial exams (be very afraid for the future of the English language, by the way) and have only 10 days left at my current job. On the 20th, I start training at my dream job--transcribing and editing the Hansard at the Saskatchewan Legislature. I am unbelievably excited about this. Too bad it's only part time.
So, I didn't disappear from the blogosphere entirely; I'll definitely be back with more detail once I'm settling in at Hansard and need to practice my typing!
JIMMY CR! YOU ARE MY GUITAR HERO! Awesome pictures Kari. Break Forth, what fun. In my head I always call it Break Wind, and then I giggle a little, but only a little...
A J Craig, at 10:03 a.m.
Keep on rockin' in the free world... If there is anyone who could enjoy the pit of the prairies, its you!
the hammer, at 8:51 p.m.
Y'know, there was so much hand waving at Break Forth, I can't even tell you. So much hand waving. The peeps love it. Jesus smiles, and says, "whatever floats thine boat".
pastor jim, at 1:14 a.m.
Congratulations on surviving BreakForth...I went once and have no desire to ever go again. Glad to hear things are going well for you!
nat, at 2:01 p.m.
Oh so cool! I am jealous that you get to work on Hansard, that sounds so cool! Please post funny statements you come across, I found the funniest/strangest things when reading through the federl Hansard. I bet the Sask one is probably even better.
John, at 1:53 a.m.
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