Back to life; back to reality
Well, the rest of the Davenport/Chicago travelogue is just flying home, so we'll skip those fascinating details. And then there was some time in Edmonton. There was a lot of packing, and then some moving. Milton really wanted to make sure he went with us:
And after a long, hot drive full of mishaps, we arrived in Regina. Time to launch into my new life here in the land of living skies.
Let me begin by saying that Saskatchewan is the promised land. Sure, the mountains are nowhere to be seen, but we're used to that now. Instead, we've got glorious sunshine, scads and scads of urban park, accessible bike trails, football fever, NO traffic, and, Saskatchewan's famous export, friendly folks. We've been welcomed and made to feel at home already. We've been invited out for drinks and meals, taken to football games, and recognized at the grocery store. We've met our friendly neighbour (next door; the upstairs neighbours are more of the party-til-3-am ilk, which is fine except that the ONE night that we have to sleep is Saturday). We've settled in to our little condo and enjoyed our POOL! And no, it's not a wheat pool. It's an outdoor pool in our little quad, and we love it so.
Ready for a speed update of our Reginan times so far? Okay!
June 13: Move-in

June 14: Jimmy starts at work

June 16: Attending a fair in a Zellers parking lot (like old times!) and winning a stuffed hippo by legitimate means, we swear

and then some Edmonton time (mostly spent at VoicePrint which I miss dearly).
July 1: drivin' across the country with our Canadian flag flying, while Tony, Geraldine, Helen, and Oliver travelled in from Calgary.
July 2: A visit to Rouleau, SK, to see the set of Corner Gas

This included seeing Corner Gas, the Ruby, the Dog River grain elevator, and the Foo Mar. Tony and James were checking out the local real estate, ready to capitalize on the tourist boom:
July 3: A wonderful day at the beach! Regina Beach, about half an hour north of Regina, is like a little piece of BC transported to the plains. We played with badminton and jai-alai toys,
sunned ourselves, picnicked, and generally had a lovely time. From there, we went to a mini-golf course
which, like everything else in Saskatchewan, is in the middle of a field. It was a surprisingly functional course--the windmill blades were actually turning! Amaaaazing!
Since then, Jimmah has been going to work
and I've joined him for the fun parts. I rewrote the terrible scripts provided for Vacation Bible School, which Jimmy then gamely acted out.
I generally had a great time with the rugrats, and I even crawled through camo nets and shot arrows at the closing games.
Milton has made himself at home in every Milton-sized space he can find

(top of kitchen cabinet)
and all is well.

And after a long, hot drive full of mishaps, we arrived in Regina. Time to launch into my new life here in the land of living skies.
Let me begin by saying that Saskatchewan is the promised land. Sure, the mountains are nowhere to be seen, but we're used to that now. Instead, we've got glorious sunshine, scads and scads of urban park, accessible bike trails, football fever, NO traffic, and, Saskatchewan's famous export, friendly folks. We've been welcomed and made to feel at home already. We've been invited out for drinks and meals, taken to football games, and recognized at the grocery store. We've met our friendly neighbour (next door; the upstairs neighbours are more of the party-til-3-am ilk, which is fine except that the ONE night that we have to sleep is Saturday). We've settled in to our little condo and enjoyed our POOL! And no, it's not a wheat pool. It's an outdoor pool in our little quad, and we love it so.
Ready for a speed update of our Reginan times so far? Okay!
June 13: Move-in

June 14: Jimmy starts at work

June 16: Attending a fair in a Zellers parking lot (like old times!) and winning a stuffed hippo by legitimate means, we swear

and then some Edmonton time (mostly spent at VoicePrint which I miss dearly).
July 1: drivin' across the country with our Canadian flag flying, while Tony, Geraldine, Helen, and Oliver travelled in from Calgary.
July 2: A visit to Rouleau, SK, to see the set of Corner Gas

This included seeing Corner Gas, the Ruby, the Dog River grain elevator, and the Foo Mar. Tony and James were checking out the local real estate, ready to capitalize on the tourist boom:

July 3: A wonderful day at the beach! Regina Beach, about half an hour north of Regina, is like a little piece of BC transported to the plains. We played with badminton and jai-alai toys,

sunned ourselves, picnicked, and generally had a lovely time. From there, we went to a mini-golf course

which, like everything else in Saskatchewan, is in the middle of a field. It was a surprisingly functional course--the windmill blades were actually turning! Amaaaazing!
Since then, Jimmah has been going to work

and I've joined him for the fun parts. I rewrote the terrible scripts provided for Vacation Bible School, which Jimmy then gamely acted out.

I generally had a great time with the rugrats, and I even crawled through camo nets and shot arrows at the closing games.

Milton has made himself at home in every Milton-sized space he can find

(top of kitchen cabinet)
and all is well.
How the heck did Milton get himself on top of the door?! He's a cute boy, that one. Dixie says hi.
nat, at 4:31 p.m.
Intense. Zellers fair. Jealousy.
Anonymous, at 7:26 p.m.
i will never understand the mysteries of milton. i still can't figure out what he wants inside the fireplace.
kari-o, at 11:06 p.m.
What was Tricia Helfer thinking?! And Jeannie Beker of all people should know better! Maybe they didn't see all the footage of her crying because she hated it and wanted to go home. Boo is right.
nat, at 1:20 p.m.
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