This weekend we jetted off to Edmonton to turn our little house over to its proud new occupants. We caught the fabulously convenient 5:30 am flight out of Regina (after almost three whole hours of sleep!) and briefly met with Jimmy's parents for a brief but lovely visit. 
Ted picked us up from the airport, and after a stop at Ikea for their famed $1 breakfast (SO worth it if you haven't been. If it's not enough, buy another! Heck, buy 5! It's only $5!) we returned home to the Revenge of the Weeds.
Thankfully the Keith family kept the yard watered (thanks!), so there were zero plant casualties, even after the scorching heat of the preceeding three weeks. Some things had grown with a vengeance, like the clematis which had to be anchored to the garage roof for stability,
the voracious raspberries intent on devouring my compost bin,
and the freakish towers of lettuce.
The biggest garden surprise of all was that the weeds I had neglected to pull from the brick planters had grown tall and were developing flower-like bulbs on the ends. Upon closer inspection, they proved to be surprise sunflowers!
I have absolutely no idea how they got there. Neither James nor I nor anyone we questioned placed sunflower seeds in those planters. Plus, I've had other flowers and new soil in them for two summers running. The sunflowers are a delightul mystery.
So, Jimmy dutifully pulled the weeds
and I did some last-minute cleaning. Michael and Terri arrived intact, but their truck had been running on not much more than luck since about Ponoka. All was well, though, and so we celebrated with a bottle of REAL champage, hand-delivered from France by Michael two years ago.
That champagne had been biding its time until the appropriate moment, and boy was it worth it. Man, it was delicious! Needless to say, the evening progressed to fun, hilarity, and board games. Murray and Natalie came by, and we all enjoyed a perfect Edmonton evening on the patio.
Having taken care of all the necessary legal details and leaving the house in half-decent condition (with Michael and Terri gamely agreeing to chuck out some of our junk...thanks guys!) we turned the place over to our tenants (hee!)
who are both happy as could be to move away from Montreal to the land of Albertan opportunity.
Jimmy and I drove Ted's car back to Regina (sans Ted, because--surprise, surprise--U-haul screwed up his reservation and didn't have a truck ready for him. NEVER RENT FROM U-HAUL.) and were greeted by a super-affectionate Milton. We're still waiting to hear from Ted to see if he U-Hauled safely down the Yellowhead. Ted? Ted? Where are you, Ted? ...Hopefully, we'll have our new neighbour soon.

Ted picked us up from the airport, and after a stop at Ikea for their famed $1 breakfast (SO worth it if you haven't been. If it's not enough, buy another! Heck, buy 5! It's only $5!) we returned home to the Revenge of the Weeds.

Thankfully the Keith family kept the yard watered (thanks!), so there were zero plant casualties, even after the scorching heat of the preceeding three weeks. Some things had grown with a vengeance, like the clematis which had to be anchored to the garage roof for stability,

the voracious raspberries intent on devouring my compost bin,

and the freakish towers of lettuce.

The biggest garden surprise of all was that the weeds I had neglected to pull from the brick planters had grown tall and were developing flower-like bulbs on the ends. Upon closer inspection, they proved to be surprise sunflowers!

I have absolutely no idea how they got there. Neither James nor I nor anyone we questioned placed sunflower seeds in those planters. Plus, I've had other flowers and new soil in them for two summers running. The sunflowers are a delightul mystery.
So, Jimmy dutifully pulled the weeds

and I did some last-minute cleaning. Michael and Terri arrived intact, but their truck had been running on not much more than luck since about Ponoka. All was well, though, and so we celebrated with a bottle of REAL champage, hand-delivered from France by Michael two years ago.

That champagne had been biding its time until the appropriate moment, and boy was it worth it. Man, it was delicious! Needless to say, the evening progressed to fun, hilarity, and board games. Murray and Natalie came by, and we all enjoyed a perfect Edmonton evening on the patio.
Having taken care of all the necessary legal details and leaving the house in half-decent condition (with Michael and Terri gamely agreeing to chuck out some of our junk...thanks guys!) we turned the place over to our tenants (hee!)

who are both happy as could be to move away from Montreal to the land of Albertan opportunity.
Jimmy and I drove Ted's car back to Regina (sans Ted, because--surprise, surprise--U-haul screwed up his reservation and didn't have a truck ready for him. NEVER RENT FROM U-HAUL.) and were greeted by a super-affectionate Milton. We're still waiting to hear from Ted to see if he U-Hauled safely down the Yellowhead. Ted? Ted? Where are you, Ted? ...Hopefully, we'll have our new neighbour soon.
I am afraid of your lettuce.
Anonymous, at 8:37 p.m.
one time my brother was picking vegetables in his in-laws garden, and he suddenly keeled over. he says it was from crouching and all his blood getting trapped in his legs or something. but i think the giant lettuce towers hypnotized him. for payback, he knocked one over, and we ate it for supper.
Anonymous, at 4:25 p.m.
It was big veg.
Anonymous, at 10:47 a.m.
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